Supervision we offer
New Meanings Psychology is run by Clinical Psychologists, all of whom have senior positions within the NHS. We have experience in diverse areas including Adult Mental Health, Child Mental Health, Forensic services, Learning Disabilities & Eating Disorders. All the Psychologists in the service have experience of supervising other mental health professionals.
We offer supervision for a range of professionals including
Clinical, Counselling and Forensic Psychologists
Nurse Specialists
Occupational Therapists
All of our Psychologists are registered with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC). This ensures the highest quality in training and Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
Our current rate is £100 per hour of supervision. If you'd like to enquire about supervision please contact us to discuss your needs. We offer supervision face-to-face and online via Zoom, Skype and MSTeams.
New Meanings Psychology
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